
Where the quality of the final text is crucial, our expert proofreaders and editors provide both top quality and peace of mind.

Texts come to us at various stages of completion and in a variety of forms. If you’ve written your own report, website, presentation or even a book: great! What you need now is to have an expert editor polish it off so that it can really shine for you and bring in more business. You’re an expert in your field and you’ve done the hard part. Let us worry about crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s.

  • Our monolingual editing service includes checking content in terms of spelling, grammar and style, in order to provide a final text that’s error-free and ready to impress your audience. If you’re thinking of publishing your work, we also use a revision tool that finds even the smallest mistake, including in terms of formatting and layout. Ready for sign-off.
  • If you have a text that has already been translated, perhaps by your foreign-language manager or employee, and you just want to have a specialized linguist take a look, we also offer bilingual proofreading and editing.
  • Our text revision process includes checking texts carefully against the original to make sure there are no mistranslations, omissions or errors, plus we add in a bit of proofreading to make sure everything is seamless. We check not only commas, verbs and their conjugations, but also your terminology to make sure it works in the language of your audience.

Meet Google Ngram Viewer. This useful tool is able to tell you more about the words in your text. It’s often used by editors and copywriters. Allow us explain the magic behind it.

Google Ngram Viewer analyses a corpus made up of all the books written between 1800 and 2008 that have been digitized by Google and searches this corpus for your words. Geeky, we know, but so insightful! You can learn where certain words have been used in the past or which are no longer in use. It’s a powerful tool that can really improve your texts.

Are you ready for the first step towards going global?
